HBZ Services HBZ Services


All websites of Habib Bank AG Zurich, including its branches and subsidiaries, (collectively "Habib Bank") use cookies for statistical purposes and to improve user experience and for online advertising. One of the cookies we use is essential for parts of the site to operate and has already been set. This site does not work without cookies. By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies for this purpose.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are simple text files, which are stored on your device to keep track of your visit to the website and your preferences as you move between pages, and sometimes to save settings between visits. Cookies help the builders of websites gather statistics about how often people visit certain areas of the website, and help in tailoring websites to be more useful and user-friendly.

What types of cookies does Habib Bank use?

Session Cookies:

These are cookies that are essential for our web services to function and are used for the following purposes:

  1. To allow you to temporarily save and repopulate information between multiple server pages of our website, whenever required (i.e. in order to avoid having to re-enter the same information when moving to another page).
  2. To temporarily identify your device after having logged in to a secure page on our website so that our web server can construct and maintain an exchange of information (request and response) with your web browser so that you can carry out your desired activities.

For example:

  1. TS016b6845 - This is to store session IDs when using our secure online banking site.
  2. fcspersistslider1 - This is used in the image slideshow/gallery on our homepage. This cookie remembers the last slide you have viewed, so that if you go to another page but then return back to our homepage, the last slide which you saw will be displayed first.

Analytical Cookies:

Analytical cookies are used by our third party advertising aggregators to track your activity on some pages of this site. These cookies are placed by third parties (such as Google) on our behalf. For further information regarding how Google analytics processes data and how you can opt in or out of receiving these cookies, please refer to their privacy policy at: https://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/privacy/

Functionality Cookies:

Functionality cookies are used to recognize you and your choices when you return to our site. These enable us to remember the choices you have made in order to better serve you during future visits to our site. The information these cookies collect may not always be anonymous, but these cookies are not able to track your browsing activity on other websites.

For example:

  1. HBZ_WD_AFFID - To identify the particular Habib Bank entity of an eDEPOSIT request in order to track the source.
  2. HBZ_WD_MIN_DEPOSIT - This is to store the configured minimum deposit amount while subscribing for eDEPOSIT.
  3. HBZ_WD_PERIOD - To store the deposit period chosen when subscribing to the eDEPOSIT product.
  4. HBZ_WD_RATE - To store the deposit rate applicable when subscribing to the eDEPOSIT product.

Deleting Cookies

You may opt-out of cookies (and the use of this website) at any time, by deleting the cookies that were set by the site. This can be done via the settings of your internet browser, by deleting cache, browsing history and cookies.